Past Projects
In addition to providing exemplary medical transportation and care to individuals and their families, U.S. Air Ambulance is also frequently asked by key government agencies to assist with special projects that involve evacuations from national and international emergencies.
These agencies turn to U.S. Air Ambulance because of our global capability, greatest availability, highly-credentialed and trained medical staff, and 100% safety record.
Listed here are just a few of the major projects we've been involved with during the past few years.

In 2003, we provided 24-hour medical staff and air ambulance emergency evacuation capability for a four-month Star Wars project on the remote Alaskan island of Shemya for the U.S. Department of Defense.

In 2004, we participated in a three-company team that included Skylink and HRG Enterprises to provide comprehensive evacuation capability to contractors in Iraq. After nine months of development, the project was not enacted due to rising sectarian violence.

2004 was also the year we provided consultation and a comprehensive medical evacuation plan to manage a full scale, mass evacuation of patients from a cruise line in the event of terrorist attack or other mass casualty event. These efforts were coordinated with the U.S. Coast Guard.

We moved 1,500 Florida patients out of harm's way in the 24-hour period prior to landfall of Hurricane Wilma in 2005 for the U.S. Marshals Service.

Since 2005, we have transported more than 800 patients per day from the U.S. to their homelands in Mexico and Central and South America on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security.

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, we provided evacuation and repatriation of nearly 150 Louisiana nursing home residents for FEMA - more than any other air ambulance company.
We're proud to be a valued partner with these and other U.S. Government agencies, just as we value the trust of more than 97,000 patients we have transported across the country and around the world since 1990.
Our Patient Transport Specialists are personally available 24 hours a day, 52 weeks a year to answer your phone call; or send us an email and we will respond promptly.